Did you know that you can easily create an online Social Security account? With your online Social Security account you can view your Social Security Statement which shows how much you have paid into Social Security and Medicare taxes through your work. It is also a good idea to check out your account to verify your earnings history to make sure it accurately shows your employment history. This is important to ensure that you receive the correct benefit payment if you become disabled or for when you retire. Make it a habit to log into your Social Security account once a year to verify the information is correct to prevent future hassles.
If you have applied for Social Security Disability you can check the status of your application or appeal online through your account. There is no need to contact Social Security or your representative. You can easily log in and check the status whenever you like. Clients often ask me what their benefit amount will be if they win their disability case. This information is available through Social Security. Your Social Security Statement will give you estimates of your future retirement, disability and survivors benefits.
If you are already receiving benefits you can use my Social Security account to obtain a benefit verification letter, change your contact information and sign up for direct deposit. You can also request a replacement Medicare card and replacement SSA-1099 OR SSA-1042S for filing taxes.
To get started and create your account go to my Social Security online, which can be found at https://www.ssa.gov/myaccount/. An email address is required to sign up.
In order to create an account you will need to provide personal information and create security answers. Next, you will create a username and password. (NOTE! You can only create an account for yourself. You may not create an account for someone else even if you have their permission or are their authorized representative. Your attorney cannot create an account online for you to obtain your estimated benefit amounts or check your work credits.) Social Security has recently added a second method to check identification when you register or sign into your account. You can choose to use either your cell phone or email address for your second identification method. If you choose the email method add NO-REPLY@ssa.gov to your email contact list so that your one-time security code email does not go into your spam folder.
So, what are you waiting for? Go to my Social Security now!